Solek DetoRF70

The instrument is not affected by the dielectric constant
solid, liquid
thread, flange

Solek DetoRF70

Point level detection for bulk solids

Point level detection for bulk solids, especially for high temperatures and strong mechanical loads
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Measuring principle:        Capacitive Solid

Specialities:                           Inactive length
                                                Active build-up compensation
                                                High lateral loading
                                                Extremely robust probe
Supply / Communication:  19 ... 253V AC
                                                11 ... 36V DC
Ambient temperature:         -50°C ... 70°C
                                                (-58°F ... 158°F)
Process temperature:         -50°C ... 400°C
                                                (-58°F ... 752°F)

Process pressure :               Vacuum ... 10 bar
                                                 (Vacuum ... 145 psi)

Main wetted parts:               Ceramic, 316L, Steel

Max. tensile strength:          Rope: 20 kN

Process connection:            Thread 
Sensor length                        Rope: 0.5 ... 20m
                                                 (1.6 ... 65ft)
Sword:                                    0.2m ... 1m
                                                 (0.6 ... 3.3ft)
Inactive length:                     0.1m ... 1m
                                                 (0.3 ... 3.3ft)
Application limits:                DK min. 2.5
Solek DetoRF70 is a partly insulated sword/rope probe for point level detection of fine-grained to coarse-grained bulk solids. It offers maximum reliability due to its active build-up compensation. Due to its robust construction, it can also be used in applications with very high lateral loads (up to 800Nm, sword version), high temperatures and abrasive media.


Process connections: Flanges and threads

Measurement range: 200 to 20,000mm (20 to 787")

Temperature: -50 to +400°C (-58 to +752°F)

Pressure: -1 to +10bar (-14.5 to +145psi)

Highest safety and reliability due to extremely robust design for harsh process conditions

Cost savings thanks to easy and fast commissioning as calibration is performed at the press of a button

Capable of measuring various types of solids in high temperature and high pressure environments


Translation: Solek DetoRF70 has a variety of insulated rod probes that can perform liquid level monitoring in multiple liquids, and can effectively measure even in media that are prone to adherence and at extremely high temperatures. The measurement is not affected by the dielectric constant. Solek DetoRF70 is an ideal choice for multiple measurement methods. The instrument is not affected by the dielectric constant, allowing for measurement of multiple liquids without the need for recalibration.

Detailed configuration parameters

For detailed configuration parameters, please email our service personnel or local distributors, who will provide you with a perfect answer and high-quality service.
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SOLEK senser  Corporation

Солекс ул. Петухова, 47/1, Новосибирск, Новосибирская обл., 630088
Solek Ulitsa Petukhova, 47/1, Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk Oblast, Russia,630088
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